SD Canvassing, you are doing tremendous work God's work. May He multiply your efforts and influence.

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I just love reading this. The beginning of the turnaround! Let's go! Many of these people have never faced opposition that knows the constitution, the bill of rights, and can speak in their language... The way it looks to me is the wins keep stacking up for SD Canvassing.

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Thank you Erik! WE WILL NOT STOP until we have reclaimed what is RIGHTFULLY OURS. They have met their match, and with God's help, we WILL prevail!

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May the Lord protect the warriors and give them the victory!

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I posted this on GETTR

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Wow! I'm totally flabbergasted at how the leftist agenda and ignorance has touched this state! But I guess I shouldn't be surprised as this is a nationwide infection!

The arrogance in that room of those elected officials especially Kippley and the Chair woman denying the rights of freedom of speech is overboard!

They have been getting away with nefarious actions for far too long and now that they are being called out they want to cry foul and subvert the Constitution of these United States?!?! I don't think so!

I can guarantee that Mr. Kippley, the "Pontius Pilate" will be getting an email and call from me.

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YES! Please get 10 more people to light up his phone and email. Thank you!

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I wonder how Joe would treat other citizen groups with concerns? Say BLM, or LGBTQueer, Indigenous People's access to Healthcare? Much more respectfully, one would imagine.

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The SOS set the precedence that business in regards to our elections can be behind closed doors when doing business with a 3rd party election contractor. Now the county assumes it is disrespectful and poor job performance when tax payers come to watch the meeting between county, SOS office, and county.

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Amen can you do recalls in South Dakota? I would think a huge recall would be a good answer, you guys obviously have a huge majority. Great work and God be with you!

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