I love Leah!

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She is a rock star and the majority of lawbreaking auditors need to learn from her. Is this information being forwarded to our "Election Integrity" expert Mr. Wiik? I would love to hear his stupid "plausible deniability" response!

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Segment 37 - Getting Involved any way you can. Gave a shout out to Leah and her fine work and tenacity with the cheating! https://rumble.com/v519ef2-getting-involved-anyway-you-can.html

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Wow this is huge. Where are the missing votes? That what 25%

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I'll stand beside Auditor, Leah Anderson and anyone who does their job as they know they must do. She, we all are not just accountable to our neighbors. We're accountable to our Creator before whom we, all those in elected and appointed positions will have to give an account for all we do, say or fail to do.

But we will not fail if we ask the Lord for wisdom, courage to do what's right!

John Kunnari

"For The People"

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Has the audit been completed? Because the people that are against her doing the audit will stop at nothing to stop her

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Not yet.... and they are already trying to stop her. However no one has any authority to do that.

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Then please 'splain why, how , none of this gets discussed at County Boards - holding all Election officials, workers , County Attorneys indicted via an "Emergency" "presentation" by Robert J. Borer,....., Sheriffs, and "We the People" as "Proponents". All others called to the podium as the real deniers - and given only one 3 minute "Opponents" period, to prove their innocence, our guilt! WTP than may call any of them back any number of times - to get to the bottom of "Stolen Elections". Douglas Co., Lancaster Co., Dodge Co. could hold this "as there is an Emergency" jointly with other Counties across the state following suit!

Organized, promoted, observed and protected by Constitutional Sheriffs : ??????,"""""", of those counties. Opinions? Help!


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Traitors have no limits to what they'll do. Zero, none, zilcho.

Father God in heaven, in Jesus' name I assign a million host of the army of heaven to watch Leah's back and to return on the head of any attacker what they wanted to put on Leah.

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Wellll - come lead us in exposing the evil!

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Auditor Leah Anderson has set June 25th as the date the full post-primary Minnehaha County ballots audit will be done.

Why would anyone resist having more transparency, validation that all legal ballots are counted accurately and any possible discrepancy identified and corrected? It couldn't possibly be such resistors have something to gain from keeping things hidden...

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Seems to be a pattern here. Organized marxist, totalitarin plans, they have expressed, told us, have succeede!

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Leah, please be careful! There is a very fine line you must walk when talking about the "number of ballots". That is a tricky number to base any discussion on. For example, a nonpartisan voter will cast one ballot nonpartisan, but, if permitted, they can ALSO cast a partisan ballot. ES&S reports show that as two ballots.

Plus, if ES&S knew of your audit before the election, they could have easily used FirstNet to program their machines to be perfectly honest.

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We were lied to about Tiananmen Square also: https://substack.com/home/post/p-145317459 What followed Tiananmen Square was China trying to kick its deep state out. Unfortunately we got key members here in America they were trying to arrest. These are the people now leading the charge against the CCP. The Falun Gong cult really does own Epoch Times - mainstream outlets are actually correct on that. Read into what Falun Gong is - of course they are trying to convince us that China is the enemy, just like globalists are also trying to convince us that Russia is the enemy - they profit by funding all sides of endless war. China outlawed Falun Gong as well as many NGOs that had been infiltrated by foreign intelligence agencies - they are attempting to drain their own swamp. Soros said (during his January 2020 Davos speech) both Trump and Xi Jinping are the two greatest threats to his globalist Open society. Our common enemy is fascism - people who are trying to rule the world using the World Bank and IMF to keep nations in slavery.

This is the dream our leaders once had: https://www.railjournal.com/africa/chinese-contractors-hand-over-management-of-ethiopia-djibouti-railway/

Investing in projects which benefit everyone: win-win cooperation and not endless war and debt traps.

Elliott Roosevelt (FDR's son present at many high-level meetings) believed people with interests contrary to American principles took over America following FDR's death. America did not move in the way that FDR planned & we don't hear this history: https://archive.org/details/ashesawit00roos (it's free! As He Saw It: The Story of the World Conferences of FDR - if you don't have time, please just read the conclusion. FDR enjoyed a warm alliance with Stalin, but was highly suspicious of the colonialist tactics of France and Great Britain: "One sentence, Elliott: When we've won the war, I will work with all my might and main to see to it that the United States is not wheedled into the position of accepting any plan that will further France's imperialistic ambitions, or that will aid or abet the British Empire in its imperial ambitions" (p.116). Elliott cites evidence essentially of a silent coup d'état following FDR's death: "What change was there, which swerved us from the road to peace and has sent us pell-mell in the opposite direction?" (p. 248). Patriot Anton Chaitkin has a whole chapter devoted to the traitorous partnership of Harriman and Dulles in his book Treason in America from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman. https://antonchaitkin.substack.com/

There has been a careful and focused effort to scrub our history books of evidence that American leader assassinations were always against those pursuing internal infrastructure improvements, manufacturing, innovation, and win-win cooperation strategies in a world respecting national sovereign boundaries.

Please follow Canadian Patriot https://canadianpatriotreview.substack.com/ and The Rising Tide Foundation https://risingtidefoundation.net/ It is time to join the people of the world fighting against globalist fascism threatening all of us.

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