
Looks like the troll Kevin DeVries, former election official in corrupt Colorado, deleted his comments.

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"the cost for hand counting is so much less it’s not even comparable. The amount of money your jurisdiction is wasting on funding a private, third-party, for-profit, out of state corporation who engages in lawfare, intimidation, bullying, and gaslighting campaigns should be turned back into paying willing citizens to participate in their elections." Love it.

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deletedMay 6
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All of these counties have such low numbers that there isn't a need for more precincts as the entire county has less ballots than one precinct in say Minnehaha County. The ballot printing, programming, flash drives, etc is yes more expensive than using a printer of the auditor's choice to print hand count ballots that don't need barcoding, etc. The tally sheets are technically, by law, supposed to already be provided to the precinct, but since they are not, there may be a small expense for that but so low it would be incidental. Poll workers, rent and utilities are already incurred in precinct level voting so adding an hour or two to each location, again, would probably not impact the budget much, as all the time, staff, utilities, ES&S staffing, etc etc would be reduced at the central count location. So yes, simply counting the cost for COUNTING, hand counting is the way to go! The eight counties that use vote centers would need to return to precinct level voting - which is required by the constitution and the law - but would save thousands and thousands of dollars wasted on the insecure, uncertified, hackable, internet connected e-poll pads - which should never be used in an election again.

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deletedMay 6
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Government officials usually seem to find it very intimidating to have their work questioned. You must also - being you are a government worker Kevin DeVries, and have experience in the Colorado elections office - no doubt running totally fair and honest elections.

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deletedMay 6
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So how long did you work for the Colorado Elections Office "Mysterious Man" or Kevin DeVries?

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"Fore!," swing and out the door!

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