Thank you for putting this all together in one article! Fantastic!

I also wanted to mention, as you well know, even once we fix the elections, there is no guarantee that those elected officials will follow through with their promises... right. Ask yourselves what can we do then? We can not wait for the next election. I want folks in this battle to look even farther down the road to be able to hold those continuing to do harm to our republic accountable. How do we do that? We do it the way our founding fathers did it through county grand juries (don't be confused with the grand juries of today, they are not the same). Please know that chapters are beginning to form in all 3,141 counties across our country. If God moves you to watching this 12 min please do so..... www.tacticalcivics.com We The People can and will Save America!

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God bless you! Take to your Co. Commissars, demand that WTP be inserted on the next agenda (as they are illegally removing "Citizen comments" and shortening time on agenda items!

As "since an emergency exists..." WTP hereby "indicte you, .... for .... in a special proclamation, resolution, wharever - under the D O I AND US CONSTITUTION -there is no "IMMUNITY" CLAUSE FOR ....!!!

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There's a reason they fight so hard to take away our weapons. We have a rouge illegitimate government with corporations helping make the steal with various election fraud schemes. Once the public fully understands what is/has happened, all hell is bound to break loose. They need us censored and unarmed...

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"CIS is the NGO that deploys the Albert Sensors, which are now embedded in all 50 states elections jurisdictions to monitor internet traffic for “the identification and reporting of malicious events”"

Malicious events like voting for constitutional patriots against the communist administrative state?

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I agree, we need a miracle from God. Our elected officials have little to no appetite for the truth. All we have wanted from the beginning is honesty and it’s been frightening to watch them squirm and ultimately continue with their black box voting machines and complete unsecured elections.

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This is worse then I thought it could be! Govt agencies that are supposed to be keeping the vote hacking out of the elections are working for the Dems and cheating on the elections!

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