Former South Dakota Secretary of State Steve Barnett was a member of the good old boys club in South Dakota. He was replaced at the 2022 GOP Convention in Watertown by grassroots candidate Monae Johnson. Monae ran on a platform of election integrity. Steve Barnett had been consistently pushing electronic voter registration, mailed out unsolicited absentee ballot applications to all registered voters in 2020, and was generally apathetic about real election security.
Johnson won with about 60% of the vote at convention ousting Barnett, and was easily elected in the November general election. She won because the people of South Dakota know that our elections are not secure and were demanding change. She won because the people of South Dakota believed Monae Johnson’s campaign promises of prioritizing secure elections, enacting post-election audits, increased transparency, and personal promises of making the CVR’s public and returning to hand counting ballots statewide.
Johnson’s campaign promise of instituting post-election audits came as South Dakota was one of only five states in the country that had never done a post-election audit. (totally embarrassing, we know) However, when post-election audit bills were drafted in the 2023 legislative session, Johnson’s team showed up to testify against the bills. They insisted on a summer study before drafting any legislation. Rep. Julie Auch brought HB1199, which was a strong, well thought out post-election audit bill supported by the SD Freedom Caucus. Sen. David Wheeler brought SB160; a weak attempt at drafting an audit bill, just barely enough to call it an “audit”.
During the session, the Senate and House State Affairs Committees killed all of the Freedom Caucus supported election reform bills, and passed Sen. Wheelers bill. In case you are new to this, the Senate State Affairs Committee, run by Sen. Lee Schoenbeck, is where bills go to die. Schoenbeck routes the bills to the committees, and his cronies do his bidding as to which bills pass and which bills die. Ask anyone who brought a bill to stop the pipeline, to ban porn books in schools, to ban drag shows on state funded campuses, to protect individuals from vaccine mandates, etc.
This summer, Johnson’s office held three sessions of a summer study on post-election audits. A handful of auditors, legislators, commissioners and one member of the general public comprised the twelve member committee. The session was held behind closed doors, and members of the general public were denied participation or viewing of the sessions. Interesting strategy, when the whole purpose of the study was to begin to restore public trust in elections; also considering Johnson ran on improving transparency in the office.
Jennifer Morrell was tapped to be the “moderator” of the study. The announcement of the involvement of Morrell in the summer study got the attention of election activists in the state. Jennifer Morrell is the founder and CEO of The Elections Group, founded in 2020. profile on the group says this:
It was founded in 2020 by former election officials Jennifer Morrell and Noah Praetz to provide “expertise and materials,” such as research reports explaining how to use new COVID-era voting equipment, to election offices ahead of the 2020 presidential election. 2 The group not only provides advice and resources but “direct management support” to election officials. 3
According to its website, the group was formed in response to many election officials calling for help due to COVID-19 mandates permitting remote voting. Morrell and Praetz established partnerships with “voting experts” from several nonprofits and academic institutions, such as the Center for Tech and Civic Life and the Stanford-MIT Healthy Elections Project, to help in its consultations. 4
Looks like Morrell and Co were well prepared to respond to a totally “novel virus” and it’s totally unknown effects on voting and elections months ahead of any possible knowledge of massive changes to the election process in states across the country such as mass absentee balloting, drop boxes, and more. Did Morrell know something we didn’t know?
Some of the materials The Elections Group provides is how to deal with “radical extremists”.
The Elections Group and its partners offer guidance materials in the form of downloadable PDF documents. They contain instructions and recommendations on how the group and its partners believe elections should be run and encourage local election offices to abide by its standards and precautions, such as telling law enforcement to be on standby in case political extremists try to disrupt the voting process. 9
In one document, entitled “Running Elections Without Fear: Ensuring Physical Safety for Election Personnel,” the introduction claims that American democracy faced a “new challenge” in the 2020 presidential election. According to them, “online forums” that were “spurred by foreign adversaries and even politicians” demonized election officials “and a few honest, correctable errors” to harass election workers. It warns election officials about extremists’ harmful intentions and documents cases of digital and physical altercations between these “partisans” and election officials.
This is some of the brainwashing your local county officials receive on a regular basis through their state funded training and sessions held with NACO and CISA. In June, CISA training for the Association of County Officials consisted of CISA officials labeling Mike Lindell a domestic threat and addressed radical domestic terrorists. If you don’t trust the elections and want to return to fully transparent verifiable elections, that’s you.
Morrell served as an election official for nine years in Utah and Colorado. She was “instrumental in Colorado’s successful implementation of the first statewide risk-limiting audit (RLA) and has successfully overseen RLA pilot programs in several states and local jurisdictions.” If you know anything about the elections in Utah and Colorado, they are so messed up there is basically no fixing them.
Now Morrell is in South Dakota, “helping” to oversee the implementation of the state’s first ever post-election audit system. ES&S executives applaud Jennifer Morrell, citing her as the expert on audits. (Remember - risk limiting audits only help limit the risk for cheaters.) lists Morrell’s bio as:
Former local election official in Utah and Colorado. Consult with states and local jurisdictions on election administration and auditing. Work as a consultant with Democracy Fund leading the Election Validation Project and serve as a subject matter expert for CISA. also touts Morrell as a member of the National Task Force on Election Crises. Some notable members of this Task Force are:
Jim Baker, Former FBI General Counsel (Read about him HERE) Jim Baker in the middle of Russiagate, the laptop from hell, and Twitter’s censorship of American citizens revealed in the Twitter Files.
David Becker, Executive Director and Founder, Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) Founder of ERIC - the corrupt and failed national voter registration crosscheck system that multiple states have cancelled their contracts.
Tammy Patrick, Senior Advisor, Elections, Democracy Fund
Ryan Macias, Former Acting Director of Testing and Certification, US EAC (Read about him HERE)
Amber McReynolds, Natl Election Expert and Consultant, Member of the US Postal Service Board of Governors, Appointed by Joe Biden. (Read about her HERE)
This document shows Morrell as presenter of a Covid-19 Election Administration call with election officials hosted by the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL). CTCL is the non-profit that received over $400 million from Mark Zuckerberg that funded absentee drop boxes and expanded absentee balloting in the 2020 election. Jurisdictions that received the most CTCL funding had the most dramatic vote swings for Biden. No doubt, CTCL funding of ballot harvesting operations in key democrat controlled counties changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
Zuckerbucks funded many counties in South Dakota with Minnehaha County receiving $91,266 and Pennington County receiving $56,487.
What could be the problem with Monae Johnson’s summer study moderator being affiliated with the Colorado and Utah elections offices, Democracy Fund, National Taskforce on Election Crises, DHS/CISA, CTCL, and being appointed as one of Katie Hobbs three trusted observers in the Arizona audit?
Morrell is a far left democrat who conveniently showed up as an advisor in Pennsylvania, Georgia, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Arizona. What do all those states have in common? These were some of the supposed swing states where undeniable massive fraud took place, and the subsequent challenges and audits which proved unexplained anomalies, machine fraud, absentee fraud, unsecured ballot drop boxes and a non existent chain of custody, to name a few. Morrell was in Arizona to observe and subsequently put out hit pieces in the far-left Washington Post attempting to destroy the Cyber Ninjas audit. Read the whole article here.
In 2018, the Democracy Fund, a left leaning advocacy foundation funded by left-leaning eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar, hired Morrell to consult as the director of its Election Validation Project. The project was described by the Democracy Fund as an effort to increase public trust in elections by supporting rigorous audits, standards, and testing. Morrell and the Democracy Fund describe the need to implement their preferred policies around election administration nationally by implementing “a uniform set of audit standards that go beyond auditing ballot tabulation equipment.”
Pierre Omidyar is tightly tied into the George Soros world. He also is a donor to the Brennan Center.
Why was Morrell partying with Dominion’s Eric Coomer and Mesa County Colorado’s election officials? (Mesa County is where Tina Peters took a forensic image of the Dominion machine and forensic investigation showed multiple databases and machine driven algorithms. It also showed Dominion techs came in and wiped the machine long before the expiration of the 22 month federal record retention law.) Morrell was also pushing the Russia Hoax narrative through a report published by the Democracy Fund in support of Robert Mueller’s investigation. Mueller’s sham investigation has now been proven to be an investigation of a 100% made up story by Hillary Clinton herself.
Why is Monae Johnson, the Republican Secretary of State who ran on an election integrity platform, inviting a far-left Soros funded democrat with ties to the most questionable election organizations in the country to participate in the post-election audit summer study, while at the same time keeping out real election security activists and experts and the general public? Who in the SOS office is connected to Morrell, and why is Johnson accepting advice that contradicts what she supposedly stands for?
Controversial 2024 ballot measures include top two open primaries, a radical abortion amendment and legalizing recreational marijuana. All issues that leftist, Marxist, communist democrats are pushing down our throats.
As the Joe Hoft of the Gateway Pundit said “Jennifer Morrell and ‘The Elections Group’ are in the middle of the Democrats’ 2020 Election plans. Morrell was involved before the election, during the election, and now after the 2020 Election. If Morrell is there, you better guard the ballots.”
Great research here. Shame Monae Johnson has gone down this path. Helpful to show the people this isn't R vs D question.