Agenda: Address five complaints filed by Rick Wieble.
WEDNESDAY MAY 29TH 11:00 AM CST, Pierre, SD. Your attendance and preparation of public comments is requested!!
Our recent article detailing the South Dakota Secretary of State’s order to ES&S to not save the ballot images made the rounds. We also sent out notifications to all county officials, legislators, the Attorney General and the SOS, as did many citizens.
It appears most people understand that Secretary Johnson’s order is grossly incompetent and negligent at best, potentially criminal. Even those who don’t take time to dive into the details clearly understand the fact that, if followed, Johnson’s order to shut off the saving of the ballot images will cause federal election material to be deleted. Any county auditor who follows this order will be violating federal and state law.
After the notices went out, we requested in writing confirmation of the county auditor’s plans for ballot image capture and preservation for the June 4, 2024 election. We have in writing, from several counties, INTENT to violate the law.
INTENT ups the ante.
As our notices of possible felony violations made the rounds, it appears the South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance took note. This is the surety bond company that is contracted with most of the counties to provide surety bonds for malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance. State law requires the officials be covered by bonds.
Along with all the other violations of the law we listed out in our multi-page notices HERE and HERE, there’s this:
3-16-1. Willful failure to perform official duty as misdemeanor.
Where any duty is or shall be enjoined by law upon any public officer, or upon any person holding any public trust or employment, every intentional omission to perform such duty, where no special provision shall have been made for the punishment of such delinquency, is a Class 2 misdemeanor.
Conviction of misdemeanors is grounds for removal from office. Conviction of felonies is grounds for prison time.
Last week the SDPAA sent out an email to all the county auditors recommending they set their tabulators to capture ballot images and to preserve them for 22 months, as per federal law. It was recommended they follow these guidelines “in case a court were to find that ballot images are election records that must be retained.” Interesting don’t you think? The insurance company that would have to cover any mal, mis and nonfeasance by an official considers they may have a hard time defending intentional deletion of records.
Remember, ES&S has pointed out the default setting is ON. They have to go through extra programming to turn it OFF. It is not a standard, recommended, or normal setting.
Shortly after that, #TrustedSources2024 (Johnson’s office) sends out a disinformation piece gaslighting the auditors by advising them that retaining electronic documents that they don’t use puts them at risk of cyber attacks, and that the EAC does NOT consider ballot images part of the audit trail.
WOW. Are there even any words for what Rachel Soulek, Tom Diedrick and Monae Johnson are doing inside that office?
In this screenshot from the SDPAA homepage they admit “It’s not IF, it’s WHEN” and the link directs you to CISA propaganda.
Secretary Johnson was set to give the opening remarks at the Hand County Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday night. She was a no show reportedly due to a leg injury doing landscaping. That’s unfortunate because the people had some questions for her. Will she show up to the BOE meeting tomorrow to face the music?
Patriots, we may have finally arrived at the time where “they won’t be able to walk down the street.”
To Johnson and the Board of Elections - see you tomorrow:
Great article! That's exactly what I want. I don't want the SOS, auditors, or county commissioners that break the law to show their faces on the streets. I want them home, scared. Only resigning can possibly save face, but even then, they should be held accountable for the laws they've broken!
I am calling into the meeting today; won't be there in person. Think of it this way: An attorney doesn't need an audience for a court case to go on. You are the defacto attorney of the moment, with the real ones coming .