President Trump’s overwhelming victory of both the electoral college and the popular vote sent a mandate to the corrupt U.S. government. Comply with Trump’s agenda. Period.
This map makes it even more clear:
Election reform groups and advocates had been cautioning those chanting the “too big to rig” anthem. Why? Because there really is no such thing as too big to rig. (IE: 2020) We are living in unusual times. President Trump may be the only candidate ever to capitalize on the too big to rig campaign strategy. After all, we just survived a global scamdemic created to rig the 2020 election. Never forget the great lengths team evil went to to steal an election, install a demented puppet to do their bidding, run an accelerated, intentional deconstruction program to destroy the Republic, and at the last minute, instigate a coup d’état in the Democrat party. We learned in real time what 5G warfare really is.
Trump’s unifying campaign for all those with common sense proved too much for the sophisticated vote rigging system to overcome. However, down ballot races were not as fortunate. As of today, there are still ballots being “counted”.
Down ballot anomalies presented all across the country as key Senate and House races revealed tell tale signs of cheating.
Arizona and Nevada:
For a great explanation on why elections are not to be trusted, even after Trump’s win, read Capt. Seth Keshel’s article below.
Sheer domination of the narrative and the early voting turnouts made a believable middle of the night or extended weeks of counting come from behind victory for Harris completely impossible. However, the mechanisms for fraud are still there, and are being used to steal down ballot races currently.
Federal election reform is needed to undo the mess that NVRA, HAVA and UOCAVA have created. These federal laws destroyed the sanctity of state run elections, opened the door to mass election manipulation, and created the electronic vote stealing apparatus with the use of federal funds. Cleta Mitchell discusses why these laws need to be repealed on a recent interview with Steve Bannon.
Join us in using the hashtags #RepealHAVA #RepealNVRA and #RepealUOCAVA on social media.
State election reform is needed to return to one day voting, limited absentee with valid excuse only, no vote centers, paper ballots, hand counted at the precinct, transparency for all election records, massive overhaul of voter rolls, real audits of all systems, and heavy penalties for fraud.
If we are ever going restore faith in the election process, and ensure a true representative republic of, by and for the people, the current day federalized election system needs to be completely overhauled. We have to ask ourselves if we want elections where each vote truly counts, or if we want to continue to rely on who can out cheat the other better? Election DAY is Constitutional; election season is a sham.
Did we get what we want? No. And we won’t quit until we restore constitutional elections under the authority of the true government, the People.
Read article HERE.
Now apply the above to every state across the country, where citizen oversight prevented a repeat of 2020. And hopefully citizen led investigations into the current, rampant cheating in down ballot races and the continual uptick in Harris votes will produce evidence of election crimes that may actually be prosecuted this time, as Trump promised.
We have two years to improve the election landscape to a level playing field for all candidates and ballot measures. South Dakota complains about the three stooges in DC, but no one did anything about the very apparent anomalies in the 2022 primary. If you want new representation on the federal level, we had better remove the apparatus that installs those people to begin with. The time to get to work is now.
Join us in lobbying your legislators to support and promote meaningful and impactful election reform that restores the power inherent in the People.
The work will never be done until "We the People" get total election integrity! AZ still kept Kari Lake out of office and I don't see a remedy there unless people are arrested! What little was done throughout the country to prevent the cheat needs to be improved upon even further to make sure no democrats get into power again.
Full Steam Ahead, lots of work to do and we must keep the country now
Why do we have to go through this every 4 years. Land does not vote, people do. He won with 50%of the popular vote. You have to go all the way back to the 2000 election to find a closer one. There is not a ground swell to him. 1 out of every 2 Americans still voted for someone else...