Lawsuit filed pro se naming SD Secretary of State Monae Johnson
And two more Pro Se cases filed by citizens
Lawsuit filed pro se naming SD Secretary of State Monae Johnson
Since September of 2021, the perilous state of the voter rolls became a priority issue of our group.
To date, our group has purchased 15 point in time snapshots of the voter rolls. Each data set costs $2,500 with three remaining purchases per year at $250 each. Absentee data is $3000 each time. Tens of thousands of donated dollars have been spent purchasing the work product of our auditors and Secretary of State, and thousands of volunteer hours spent reviewing the data.
Analysis of this data has produced concerning results. We’ve been around the state presenting an overview of some of our finding and our audiences have been shocked.
Volunteers have performed digital, drive-by and door to door canvassing efforts. Those efforts have returned signed, notarized affidavits of stolen votes, lost votes, phantom votes, and duplicate voters. Impossible registration dates, votes cast before registration dates, 110+ year old voters, voters registered to counties that don’t exist, votes recorded for an election before the occurrence of said election, voters disappearing and reappearing, all voter data changing associated with the same voter ID, voter records with no information, broken address data, voters registered to empty fields, Walmart parking lot, vacant homes, non existent locations, state absentee voting data that does not match manually recorded county absentee voting data, vote drops live in election night reporting, irregular vote return patterns, and voter registration party affiliation changing with out voter knowledge or approval have all been observed in the data. The list is endless.
There are many federal and state laws that have been broken in the massive amount of unlawfully processed voter registration forms statewide. Read our prior articles for details on the issue HERE, HERE and HERE.
From a 2019 SD Newswatch article:
“Thousands of people who don’t live in South Dakota have become official residents, gotten registered to vote and then cast ballots in state elections, which some lawmakers and election officials fear could unfairly alter election results or open the door to fraud.
State election officials say they are aware that people are claiming on voter registration forms to live at an address where they do not, but a lack of enforcement of state laws allows it to continue, a South Dakota News Watch investigation has found.”
Critics worry that lax state residency requirements and the hands-off approach to voter registration enforcement have heightened the potential for voter fraud and election tampering in South Dakota.
However, the voter registration form requires the signee to affirm that, “I actually live at and have no present intention of leaving the above address.” The form states that an applicant who perjures themselves could face two years in prison and a $4,000 fine.
Pennington County Auditor-elect Cindy Mohler said she and other auditors have been instructed by the state that unless someone formally challenges the registration of a voter, they should continue to approve signed registration forms from any location in the county.”
In short, South Dakota government and legislative officials dang well know massive fraud is going on and they don’t care!! They allow perjury, lies, and voter fraud in exchange for money in the form of auto registrations and wheel tax.
South Dakota, your challenge has arrived.
Countless citizens have been to county commission meetings across the state, auditor’s offices, legislative committees, board of elections meetings, written letters to the editor, and carried petitions, and yet no one in authority has done anything to correct the problems, aside from Minnehaha County Auditor Leah Anderson.
After having been debated the last two legislative sessions with battles on residency bills, the PMB voter issue again came to the forefront in the voter challenge in Minnehaha County precincts 04-16 and 05-16 with voters that claim a commercial mail forwarding service as their “residence”. As the article said above, unless someone challenges the registration of a voter, they will continue to allow fraud in the voter rolls. The government continues to fail to use their authority to protect the electorate. Citizens continue to rise up and demand change.
The ACLU sent Minnehaha County officials a threatening letter regarding the voter challenge, prompting Minnehaha Co Deputy State’s Attorney Eric Bogue to inject the 132 ballots deemed fraudulent by the precinct board into the June 24th recount, altering the election results. (read prior articles for full story)
As we all know, the November election will determine the course of our Country, and possibly it’s very existence. Equally as important are upcoming statewide ballot initiatives of radical up to birth abortion, recreational marijuana, and open primaries. The outcome of this election could turn red South Dakota into deep blue Colorado overnight.
Due to the failure of our government to protect our elections, the citizens again are forced to find legal ways to demand the officials follow the law. A pro se lawsuit has been filed by private citizens with the South Dakota Supreme Court, naming South Dakota Secretary of State Monae Johnson and multiple Minnehaha County officials for the massive failure and unlawful actions which impact all voters, citizens, taxpayers and candidates for office.
You can find a copy of the legal document HERE.
Another private citizen has filed a suit against Charles Mix County officials for violating state law and the constitutional right to petition the government.
And today, yet another private citizen filed a suit against Lawrence County officials for violations of state law and the constitutional right to petition the government.
Despite being rejected by dozens upon dozens of lawyers and not being able to secure legal representation, the patriots of South Dakota are undeterred and willing and ready to take on the corruption by any means necessary.
We know hundreds of you are out there talking to your neighbors, county officials, legislators and family members informing them of all the issues we bring to your attention. Please keep lobbying for fair and honest elections that reflect the real will of the people that LIVE in South Dakota that will have to deal with the ramifications of the elections long after the ballots are cast in November.
We appreciate your support and prayers, and Lord willing, one way or another, the officials who have let this go for so long will be held accountable for what they have done.
The detailed reporting and diligence is exemplary - will be there for our children to learn from. This is how you defend what is true and just while holding accountable those who have failed their duties.
The people who obtain SD residency using a mail forwarding company are doing it legally. The mail forwarders are NOT Post Office Boxes. Mail forwarders are affiliated with the US Post Office as Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies (CMRAs) and follow strict guidelines. The idea that people using mail forwarding services are out to “commit voting fraud” is unsubstantiated and defamatory.