Pretty sad. I am sure Kelo and Dakota scout will take back the false claims they made about Leah. Yeah right. If we are doing something illegal isn’t it their job to tell us or just take it straight to the news. As of tonight I still don’t know of what we are doing illegally. Thousands of people committing perjury on their voter registration forms but they come for Leah who is trying to explain the law to them. Lying is more common than the truth these days. If one of us made that comment It would be the lead on the news everywhere is South Dakota tonight.

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Sheriff Schlotterbeck doesn't have time to institute peoples constitutional rights in Hamlin county. But it appears cop in Minnehahahahahahahah county have time to intimidate voters! Disgusting people. LE better get their *@^&% together and decide who they're working for!

I bounced my opinions off of Nicole and Katies podcast about election integrity.

More Election Integrity Deep State Exposed


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