We are now officially inside 30 days of the most important election of our lifetimes, maybe in national history.
If the information war wasn’t overwhelming enough, it’s been taken to a whole new level. The chaos increases every day, can you feel it?
For those of you working on a county level, have you ever wondered why your auditor and county commissioners refuse to do the right thing? Why they continually deny transparency while demanding trust? Why they are so sure you are crazy and there is no reason to question elections in South Dakota?
The Sept 16-17, 2024 SDCACO meeting featured a one hour workshop on COMBATTING ELECTION MISINFORMATION. This session was lead by Christian Franco of the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL).
CTCL was integral in the theft of the 2020 election as it laundered $400 MILLION dollars of Zuckerbucks for ballot harvesting, printing and stuffing. This $ funded the NGO's who delivered the margin of "victory" in democrat strongholds.
See any familiar names on CTCL's list of partner organizations? Rockefeller? F@keB@ok, G@@gle, and the Democracy Fund? All of these entities actively colluded to censor your 1st Amendment Rights in the wake of the 2020 election.
These are the criminal entities continually brainwashing the compliant sheep at the SDACO trainings; enlightening them on "Threats to Democracy." (Read the text under Combatting Election Misinformation agenda item in the photo below)
Is your county funding this organization? CUT THE FUNDING NOW. #defundSDACO

The focus of DHS, CISA, CIS, EI-ISAC, NASS et al since November 3, 2020 has been stopping mis, dis and mal information on elections. Those of us that just want transparent, verifiable, auditable, secure, and locally controlled elections have been labeled a “fringe minority” or “conspiracy theorists”. Questioning election vendors, processes or results undermines confidence in the institutions. (the government) We can’t have anyone not trusting the government now can we?
Here is a video montage of the government sponsored propaganda outlets telling us just how dangerous independent thought and free speech is to democracy.
In South Dakota, the Secretary of State’s office is continuing to push the NASS #TrustedInfo2024 narrative on the sdsos.gov election myths vs. facts page. The DHS messaging is even stronger on the election truth and transparency page, with the combatting disinformation link leading to a Keloland article featuring SD Canvassing and Rick Weible.
“Domestic extremist groups undermine the sanctity of elections with false rhetoric and lies.” Just so you know, that means everyone you know who has been working so hard for four years to secure our elections.
On October 2nd, the DHS put out a Threat Assessment. The Complete assessment can be found HERE. Pages 18-19 references DVE’s. DVE’s are domestic violent extremists, otherwise known as election deniers. Federal agencies that colluded to unconstitutionally censor any questions about the 2020 election are setting the narrative for November.
Pay careful attention.
CBS just ran this: “perception of election fraud.”
The E-ISAC, Water-ISAC, MS-ISAC, EI-ISAC, and FB-ISAO just put out a 2024 Election Threat Landscape white paper. So far, we have not been able to find this posted on any of the ISAC websites. Please read the document in it’s entirety.
From the paper:
We went from the “safest and most secure election in history” and “our elections are NOT online” to “dynamic and complex threat environments” and “a wide array of cyber threat actors are LIKELY to target election offices” in only four years. How is this possible when the exact same systems and infrastructure used in 2020 is being used in 2024? The only thing that has changed is the official narrative.
A quick refresher on the EI-ISAC from THE WEAPONIZATION OF CISA: HOW A “CYBERSECURITY” AGENCY COLLUDED WITH BIG TECH AND “DISINFORMATION” PARTNERS TO CENSOR AMERICANS Interim Staff Report of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government U.S. House of Representatives:
Keep this in mind when you read the rest of this article and the events the EI-ISAC is forecasting.
Monae Johnson set this narrative in motion with SB20, despite NO documented instances of threats to an election worker in South Dakota. We have county auditors crying in fear that they now have to open their mail with gloves on in case of receiving mail with unknown substances in it. The propaganda is working.
Interesting that Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas war is noted as a motivation for hackers. Wasn’t that said to be possible motivation for the would be Trump assassin Ryan Routh?

Apparently TikTok videos and Instagram Reels are extremely dangerous to democracy. Like the ones exposing FEMA in North Carolina? That is dangerous to the official narrative that the government is here to help.
Attacks on electricity, water treatment plants, natural gas pipelines? Periods of civil unrest, large demonstrations, vandalism, damage to communication infrastructure? This November may look more like a doomsday movie than an election in the United States of America. It appears the feds are planning on pure chaos and are projecting it hard to all election offices in the country.
If you see anything, be sure to report it to your trusted local federal office.
Remember, every state has it’s own DHS office in the Fusion Center. South Dakota’s can be found downtown Sioux Falls. The MOA for South Dakota’s Fusion Center can be found HERE.
And the FBI never infiltrates groups and sets people up right?
Un-natural disasters, millions of illegals registered to vote, millions more on the way, war, nationwide Verizon & AT&T outages, assassination attempts, and a coup d'état. How could it get any crazier than that?
Buckle up. The next month is going to be a wild ride.
No sooner than immediately after concluding this article, this dropped:
American Water Works? Remember the Water-ISAC is part of the Election Threat Landscape white paper above.
And this from Mike Benz:
I've been observing the takeover of our "Community Well Association" for 10 years now. Impossible to alert members, they're so disinformed and clueless. The annual meetings are now attended by the local representative of National Rural Water Association, a member of Water-ISAC.
Control the Water/Control the Land.
The State Department and CIA are joined at the hip, along with other US intelligence agencies. Together they comprise the Deep State. The CIA-State Department’s foreign election interference tactics were deployed domestically against the Tea Party during the Obama-Biden regime’s 2012 re-election campaign. President Trump is fortunate to still be alive. Pray he continues to survive.